Internal wave dynamics near complex topography
Collaborators: Greg Ivey, Nicole Jones (Univ. of Western Australia)
Tides on the Australian North-West Shelf and the Indo-Australian Basin are generally large in amplitude and their interaction with the shelf topography generates internal tides. Observations and numerical modelling has revealed the ubiquity of these waves in this region - this was the main topic of my PhD thesis and its subsequent publications.
Estuarine circulation in Galveston Bay
Collaborators: Oliver Fringer, Ed Gross (Stanford University)
We have developed a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for Galveston Bay in Texas using the SUNTANS model. Estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico are generally shallow with complex shoreline geometries and entrances to the Gulf. The tides in the Gulf are micro-tidal (< 1 m tidal range) and therefore other processes such as wind stress, river discharge and surface heating and cooling are important drivers of estuarine circulation.
Ocean response to tropical cyclone forcing
Collaborators: Greg Ivey, Ryan Lowe, Nicole Jones (Univ. of Western Australia)