
  1. Janekovic, I, M.D. Rayson, et al, 4D-Var data assimilation using satellite sea surface temperature to improve the tidally driven interior ocean dynamics in the Indo-Australian Basin, Ocean Modelling

  2. Zulberti, A. P., N. L. Jones, G. N. Ivey, M. D. Rayson, Mean and Turbulent Characteristics of a Bottom Mixing-Layer Forced by a Strong Surface Tide and Large Amplitude Internal Waves, JGR Oceans

  3. Edge, W., M. D. Rayson, N. L. Jones, G. N. Ivey, Calibrated suspended sediment observations beneath large amplitude non-linear internal waves, JGR Oceans

  4. Filippi, M., A. Hadjighasem, M. D. Rayson, I. I. Rypina, G. N. Ivey, R. J. Lowe, J. P. Gilmour, T. Peacock (2021), Investigating transport in a tidally-driven coral atoll flow using Lagrangian Coherent Structures, Limnology and Oceanography link

  5. M. D. Rayson, N. L. Jones, G. N. Ivey, Y Gong (2021) A seasonal harmonic model for internal tide amplitude prediction, JGR-Oceans link

  6. Gong, Y., M. D. Rayson, N. L. Jones, G. N. Ivey, (2021) Directional decomposition of internal tides propagating from multiple generation sites, Ocean Modelling link

  7. Jones, N, J, Rayson, M. D, G. N. Ivey, S. Kelly, (2020) Mixing Driven by Breaking Nonlinear Internal Waves, Geophysical Research Letterslink

  8. Rogers, J. S., M. D. Rayson, D. S. Ko, K. B. Winters, O. B. Fringer, (2019) A framework for seamless one-way nesting of internal wave-resolving ocean models, Ocean Modelling link

  9. Manderson, A, M. D. Rayson, E. Cripps, M. Girolami, J. P. Gosling, M. Hodkiewicz, N. L. Jones, G. N. Ivey, (2019) Uncertainty quantification of density and stratification estimates with implications for predicting ocean dynamics, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology link

  10. Gong, Y., M. D. Rayson, N. L. Jones, G. N. Ivey (2019), The effects of remote internal tides on continental slope internal tide generation, Journal of Physical Oceanography link

  11. Rayson, M. D., N. L. Jones and G. N. Ivey (2019), Observations of large amplitude mode-2 nonlinear internal waves on the Australian North West Shelf, Journal of Physical Oceanography link

  12. Green, R. H., N. L. Jones, M. D. Rayson, R. J. Lowe, C. E. Bluteau, G. N. Ivey (2018), Nutrient and phytoplankton fluxes into an isolated coral reef atoll by tidally-driven internal bores, Limnology and Oceanography link

  13. Dufois, F, R. J. Lowe, M. D. Rayson, P. M Branson, (2018) A numerical study of the tropical cyclone-induced sediment dynamics of the Australian North West Shelf, JGR Oceans link

  14. Branson, P. M., M. D. Rayson, M. Ghisalberti, G. N. Ivey (2018), The Coexistence of Order and Chaos in C-major, Physical Review Fluids link

  15. Rayson, M. D., G. N. Ivey, N. L. Jones and O. B. Fringer (2018), Resolving high-frequency internal waves generated at an isolated coral atoll using an unstructured grid ocean model, Ocean Modelling, link

  16. Rayson, M. D., E. S. Gross, R. D. Hetland and O. B. Fringer (2017), Using an isohaline flux analysis to predict the salt content in an unsteady estuary, Journal of Physical Oceanography, link

  17. Sasmal, K., E. Masunaga, A. Webb, O. B. Fringer, E. S. Gross, M. D. Rayson, H Yamizaki, (2017) A three dimensional numerical study of river plume mixing processes in Otsuchi Bay, Japan, Journal of Oceanography, link

  18. Rayson, M. D., E. S. Gross, R. D. Hetland and O. B. Fringer (2016), Time scales in an unsteady estuary: Galveston Bay, TX, J. Geophys. Res., link

  19. Rayson, M. D., G. N. Ivey, N. L. Jones, R. Lowe, G. W. Wake and J. D. McChonochie (2015), Near-inertial ocean response to tropical cyclone forcing on the Australian North-West Shelf, J. Geophys. Res. link

  20. Rayson, M. D., E. S. Gross and O. B. Fringer (2015), Modeling the tidal and sub-tidal hydrodynamics in a shallow, micro-tidal estuary, Ocean Modelling, 89, p 29 - 34, link

  21. Makarynskyy O., Makarynska D., Rayson M. D., Langtry S., (2015), Combining deterministic modelling with artificial neural networks for suspended sediment estimates, Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 35, October 2015,

  22. Rayson, M. D., G. N. Ivey and N. L. Jones (2012), Temporal variability of the standing internal tide in the Browse Basin, J. Geophys. Res., link.

  23. Rayson, M. D., G. N. Ivey, N. L. Jones, M. J. Meuleners, and G. W. Wake (2011), Internal tide dynamics in a topographically complex region: Browse Basin, Australian North West Shelf, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C01016, link.

Submitted / Under Revision

Non-peer Reviewed Conference Papers

Rayson, M. D., Bluteau, C., Ivey, G., & Jones, N. (2016). Observations of high-frequency internal waves and strong turbulent dissipation rates generated by a constriction between two coral atolls. VIII International Symposium on Stratified Flows, San Diego, USA link

Rayson, M. D., Ivey, G., & Jones, N. (2011), Internal hydraulic jump formation in a deep water, continuously stratified, unsteady channel flow, VII International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Rome, Italy


Rayson, M. D., Jones, N. L. , Ivey, G. N. (22 May 2018): Observations of large-amplitude mode-2 nonlinear internal waves on the Australian North West Shelf, The University of Western Australia. link

Rayson, M. D., Gross, E.S., Hetland, R. D., Fringer, O.B.. (2017) Hourly output from a three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of Galveston Bay, Texas, for the period March-August 2009 using the unstructured SUNTANS model . Gulf of Mexico Integrated Spill Response Consortium (GISR). DOI: 10.7266/N77H1H0B

PhD Thesis

The tidally-driven ocean dynamics of the Browse Basin and Kimberley Shelf region, Western Australia