Curriculum Vitae


  • PhD, University of Western Australia, 2012
  • B.E. (Applied Ocean Science), University of Western Australia, 2006

Work Experience

Research Fellow, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA

January 2016 – Present

  • Metocean component of the ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Offshore Floating Facilities
  • Apply knowledge of oceanographic processes to the design and operation of offshore infrastructure

Post-doctoral Scholar, Stanford University, Stanford, California

June 2012 to July 2015

  • Hydrodynamic modelling of the bays and estuaries within the Gulf of Mexico
  • Several enhancements to the SUNTANS coastal ocean numerical code
  • Development of a python suite of tools for the pre- and post-processing of unstructured grid model data

Research Officer, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA

January 2012 to May 2012

  • Numerical modelling of the ocean response to tropical cyclones
  • Collation and analysis of historical oceanographic measurements during cyclone events
  • Several weeks spent offshore deploying and retrieving oceanographic instruments between Ningaloo Reef and the Australian Northwest Shelf.

Oceanographic Engineer, Asia-Pacific Applied Science Associates (APASA), Perth, WA

March 2006 to November 2006 (part-time, undergraduate)

November 2006 to November 2007 (full-time, graduate)

November 2007 to May 2012 (part-time, postgraduate)

  • Numerical modelling of pollutant fate and transport as part of environmental impact assessments for new and existing development projects in Australia and overseas.
  • Simulation of short- and long-term transport pathways of oil spills, dredge plumes, drill cuttings, and waste water discharges in the coastal and offshore environment
  • Hydrodynamic modelling of processes influencing the circulation in the near-shore environment including: tides, winds, river discharges and surface waves.
  • Collection and analysis of field measurements and third-party model datasets with an emphasis on understanding the causes of variability in the ocean and its influence on pollutant transport pathways.
  • Development of numerical models and software tools for pollutant transport studies.

Tutor and Laboratory Demonstrator, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, UWA

November 2007 to December 2011

  • Tutoring undergraduate classes of up to 50 students
  • Laboratory demonstrations of hydraulic experiments for undergraduate students and visiting groups
  • Marking of undergraduate assignments and exams

Conference and Symposium Presentations

  • Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Annual Meeting, Fremantle, Western Australia, February 2020
  • Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, February 2020
  • Australian Coastal Ocean Modelling and Observations workshop, Toward an internal tide climatological atlas for Northern Australia, Canberra, Australia, October 2018
  • 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Investigation of nonlinear internal wave structure with a triangular-shaped mooring array, Portland, USA, February 2018
  • VIII International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Observations of high frequency internal waves and strong turbulent mixing in a channel flow between two coral atolls, San Diego, USA, September 2016
  • SIAM Geosciences 2015, Challenges in Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Modelling of the Shallow Bays and Estuaries Along the Gulf of Mexico Coast, Stanford University, Stanford, California, July 2015
  • Gordon Research Seminar on Coastal Ocean Modeling, Time scales in an unsteady estuary, University of New England, Maine, June 2015
  • 2015 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Physical processes controlling tracer exchange at the mouth of a Gulf coast estuary, Houston, Texas, February 2015
  • 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Application of a nested, unstructured mesh hydrodynamic model to a bay in the Gulf of Mexico, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2014
  • 12th International workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling for coastal, shelf, and global ocean dynamics, Age as a diagnostic for understanding the link between surface and boundary forcing and estuarine circulation, University of Texas, Austin, September 2014
  • 2013 Gordon Research Conference on Coastal Ocean Circulation, (Poster) Residual circulation in a shallow, micro-tidal estuary - Galveston Bay, TX, University of New England, Maine, July 2013
  • 2013 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Development of a high-resolution, three-dimensional hydrodynamic model for Galveston Bay, TX., New Orleans, USA, January 2013
  • VII International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Internal hydraulic jump formation in a deep water, continuously stratified, unsteady channel flow, Rome, Italy, August 2011
  • 48th Annual Australian Marine Science Association Conference, Ocean Dynamics of the Browse Basin and Scott Reef- the interaction of tides with topography, Fremantle, Australia, July 2011
  • Western Australian Marine Science Institute Student Symposium, Internal tides in the Browse Basin, Edith Cowan University, December 2010
  • Western Australian Marine Science Institute Node 6 Oceanography Symposium, High resolution numerical modelling of Scott Reef, University of Western Australia, November 2010
  • Australian National Network in Marine Science Conference, Ocean dynamics of Scott Reef, Western Australia, James Cook University, Townsville, July 2010
  • Australian National Network in Marine Science Conference, Ocean dynamics of the Browse Basin, University of Tasmania, Hobart, December 2009
  • Western Australian Marine Science Institute Node 6 Oceanography Symposium, Ocean dynamics of the Browse Basin, University of Western Australia, September 2009

Invited Talks

  • NASA Applied Modeling and Simulation Seminar Series, Application of an Unstructured Grid RANS Model to the Coastal Ocean, NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California, June 2015
  • MIT Multidisciplinary Simulation, Estimation, and Assimilation Systems Seminar Series, Predicting Estuarine Transport in Galveston Bay - Challenges with Modelling a Complex Real-World System, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 2013

Relevant Courses and Workshops

  • GODAE International Summer School for Observing, Assimilating and Forecasting the Ocean, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, 11-22 January 2010.
  • Modelling Indian Ocean Processes and Phenomena, CSIRO Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Hobart, Tasmania, 4-7 May 2009.
  • Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) User Workshop, Sydney Institute for Marine Science, Sydney, New South Wales, March 31 - April 2 2009.

Computing Skills

Programming languages: Python, MATLAB, C, Fortran.

Hydrodynamic modelling codes: ROMS, SUNTANS, APASA in-house coastal models, SWaN.

Data formats and archiving: OpenDAP, NetCDF, GRIB, HDF, ESRI GIS, Google Earth.

Parallel supercomputing: Unix OS, shell scripting, MPI.

Awards Received

2017 American Physics Society Gallery of Fluid Motion video winner

2011 University of WA Postgraduate Travel Award

2008 - 2011 Australian Postgraduate Award

Professional Memberships

Australian Fluid Mechanics Society

American Geophysical Union